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mercredi 19 octobre 2011 (1 post)

I received recently a mail about my attempt to provide Grsecurity kernels in Debian. The sender found the bug by accident, and asked me why I didn't do some more publicity here. So here we are.

I won't go into details on what grsecurity is, it's fairly complex. But it's basically a hardening patch for the Linux kernel, with three main components:

  • the PaX patch, which purpose is to harden the memory layout of the Linux kernel and improve existing options: enforcing of non-executable memory pages (userland and in kernel), W^X (no page marked as writable and executable), ASLR, prevention of invalid userland pointers dereference, copies between userland and kernel memory…
  • RBAC (Role Based Access Control), an implementation of Mandatory Access Control
  • various hardening features: /proc restrictions, chroot restrictions, kernel symbols hiding etc.

A lot of this touches low level stuff in the kernel, especially memory management. Ideally this patch would be pushed upstream, but Brad Spengler (grsecurity main developper) already said he wasn't interested in upstreaming it and upstream already said the patch was too huge and invasive to include it like that (especially since the original authors aren't interested in maintaining it upstream). There's an ongoing effort to split the patch and merge things little by little, but in the meanwhile having a mid-term solution would be nice.

I know Debian users rebuilding grsecurity-patched kernels themselves, and I know some of them would appreciate having them included in the Debian kernel. Fortunately, the linux-2.6 source package has a nice feature which is called featureset. Basically it's a way to build some (binary) packages using a different set of patches and a different config. For example this was used to provide xen/openvz/vserver patchsets, and is now used to provide rt kernels.

So I though it'd be nice to provide a grsec featureset, and starting doing the work. I have a working setup for producing those kernels, so I've opened a wishlist bug against the kernel (#605090) to have this merged.

Those packages follow the sid kernel. There's an ongoing work for Squeeze, but it's a bit harder there because both the grsecurity patchset and the Debian kernel ship a whole lot of backports to the Linux kernel, meaning the grsecurity patch doesn't apply directly to the Debian source package. Basically I need to remove some of the hunks (since they are already applied to the source) and port some others (since there are some backported code not present in the vanilla 2.6.32, for example the drm code).

Until the patches are merged and the bug is closed, I host some of the built packages at:

deb sid/

The repository is signed by my key which you can add to your apt setup using apt-key add. If you want to rebuild the packages yourself, here's the method:

mkdir kernel-grsec
cd kernel-grsec
svn checkout svn://
git clone git://
gpg --verify linux-3.0.tar.bz2
cd linux-2.6
apt-get build-dep linux-2.6
export QUILT_PATCHES=../grsec-patches
quilt push -a
python debian/bin/ ../linux-3.0.tar.bz2
debian/rules orig
fakeroot debian/rules source
fakeroot make -f debian/rules.gen binary-arch_amd64_grsec_amd64

You could also do dpkg-buildpackage, pdebuild or whatever. Kernel handbook is a nice reading too if you want more information on how to rebuild Debian kernels. The quilt push -a may fail if you checkout an svn version more recent than mine. I try to keep patches up to date but I usually have some delay.

Note that installing the kernel will require installing linux-grsec-base package. Binary is not yet available on my mirror but you can easily build it. Source can be found on

If you're interested by this, don't hesitate to mail me or the bug.

Yves-Alexis@23:09:58 (Debian)

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